Collazo's Music Venue Subscribe-O-Matic

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 Donny Collazo
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Sent 18 hours, 19 minutes ago

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Half time with Djembe on our stage , still time to come check his show out, at 3pm we have Bubbles taking our stage, hope you come join us for great tunes,,, ty all ;o)

Sent 19 hours, 28 minutes ago

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Hi all. today at CMV just 2 shows 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Djembe Dragonfire 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Bubbles , dress casual to formal up to you, hope to see you ;o) Donny

Sent 1 week, 1 day ago

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Hey!!! whats up??? I dont know but I know Djembe is up next on our stage join us here is your taxi

Sent 1 week, 1 day ago

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Today at CMV starting at 1pm slt we have Hedy Patrucci , at 2pm Djembe Dragonfire and 3opm slt Bubbles hope to see you , dress casual

Sent 2 weeks, 1 day ago

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Half time here at Hedys show, up next at the top of the hour we have Djembe Dragonfire up, lots of time left to join us now,,,,when you land just click the huge board there for tp up...cant miss...


Sent 2 weeks, 1 day ago

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Hi all same Sim but now you use the huge tp board to get to the club, Today we have 3 shows 1ppm Hedy Patruccui 2pm Djembe Dragonfire and 3pm Bubbles, dress casual to formal up to you, here is...


Sent 3 weeks, 1 day ago

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1pm Hedy Patrucci is taking the stage, starting our day off today. We only have two shows, following Hed we have Djembe Dragonfire, joinus, dress casual, hope to see you here

Sent 1 month, 1 day ago

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Now ay CMV, Hedy Patrucci, then at 2pm Djembe Dragonfire, then Bubbles, hope to see you here

Sent on 4/2/25

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Todaqy at CME we have at 1pm Hedy Patrucci, 2pm Djembe Dragonfire, and 3pm Bubbles, dress casual, when getting here just click the teleport board to tp up to the club, ty ;o)

Sent on 28/1/25

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Today @ CMV only 2 shows this week 2pm Djembe and 3pm Bubbles, dress casual

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Type Name Location
Collazo's Music Venue Subscribe-O-Matic Collazo Estate (72,55,2501)