K-Ks Designs

Group owner:
 Kathie Kayor
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Sent 2 days, 10 hours ago

Attachment: K-Ks Designs 03/14/2025
KKs Has Reasonable Priced Clothes for Men and Ladies, no matter what body you have, Maybe you have the Luck of the Irish, i sure don't, Hope these clothes makes a smile

Sent 3 weeks ago

Attachment: K-Ks Designs 02/21/2025
KKs Has Reasonable Priced Clothes for Men and Ladies, no matter what body you have, check out the Notecard for Pictures , Raffle ending soon, slap it to enter it

Sent 1 month, 1 day ago

Attachment: K-Ks Designs 02/14/2025
KKs Has Reasonable Priced Clothes for Men and Ladies, no matter what body you have, 50% off 500L Gift Card

Sent on 5/2/25

Attachment: K-Ks Designs 02/07/2025
KKs Has Reasonable Priced Clothes for Men and Ladies, no matter what body you have, 50% off 500L Gift Card

Sent on 30/1/25

Attachment: K-Ks Designs 01/31/2025
KKs Has Reasonable Priced Clothes for Men and Ladies, no matter what body you have, 50% off 500L Gift Card

Sent on 16/1/25

Attachment: K-Ks Designs 01/17/2025
KKs Has Reasonable Priced Clothes for Men and Ladies, no matter what body you have, check out the Notecard for Pictures , Raffle ending soon, slap it to enter it

Sent on 9/1/25

Attachment: K-Ks Designs 01/10/2025
KKs Has Reasonable Priced Clothes for Men and Ladies, no matter what body you have, FREE GIFTS FOR JANUARY

Sent on 1/1/25

Attachment: K-Ks Designs 01/03/2025
KKs Has Reasonable Priced Clothes for Men and Ladies, no matter what body you have, FREE GIFTS FOR JANUARY

Sent on 26/12/24

Attachment: K-Ks Designs 12/27
KKs Has Reasonable Priced Clothes for Men and Ladies, no matter what body you have, check out the Notecard for Pictures , Raffle ending soon, slap it to enter it

Sent on 11/12/24

Attachment: K-Ks Designs 12/13
KKs Has Reasonable Priced Clothes for Men and Ladies, no matter what body you have, FREE GIFTS FOR DECEMBER

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Type Name Location
K-Ks Designs New York Town (61,123,37)
K-Ks Designs New York Town (46,135,29)