DJ Jon's Gig Tracker

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 JonathonAnthony Resident
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Sent 2 days ago

Attachment: Xaara - Blackstone Hall
Sexy Rock @ Blackstone Let's get our blood pumping at the start of this week with some songs you'd likely hear in the local strip club. When: 7 pm to 9 pm Where: Blackstone @ Xaara


Sent 1 week, 2 days ago

Attachment: Xaara - The Pier Bar
Down to Dance @ 7pm From remixes to rocks to pop hits, I've got a great mix of music to get your feet tapping. Come and join me @ The Pier Bar. When: 7pm to 9 pm Where: Xaara Pier Bar


Sent 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Attachment: Xaara - The Pier Bar
Disco @ Xaara in 30 minutes Let's head on back to the 70's for some of the variety of party music we used to hear back then. Bring your dance shoes and your requests. When: 7 pm to 9 pm Where:...


Sent 1 month, 2 days ago

Attachment: Xaara - Blackstone Hall
Sexy Dance Songs @ Blackstone in 30 minutes Tonight I'm bringing a mix of some sexy dance songs to get your week started.. When: 7 pm to 9 pm Where: Blackstone @ Xaara


Sent on 3/2/25

Attachment: Xaara - The Pier Bar
90's Feel Good @ Xaara in 30 minutes Let's head on back to the 90's for some of the variety of party music we used to hear back then. Bring your dance shoes and your requests. When: 7 pm to 9...


Sent on 27/1/25

Attachment: Xaara - The Pier Bar
80's Pop @ 7pm I've got two hours of classic 80's pop on tap for you tonight! Come by and join us @ the Pier Bar in Xaara. When: 7pm to 9 pm Where: Xaara Pier Bar


Sent on 20/1/25

Attachment: Xaara - The Pier Bar
80's R&B @ The Pier Bar in 30 minutes Live mixing some R&B over @ the Pier Bar in Xaara, come join me. When: 7 pm to 9 pm Where: Xaara - The Pier Bar


Sent on 6/1/25

Attachment: Xaara - The Pier Bar
70's rock @ The Pier Bar in 30 minutes Let's roll back the clock to the 70's to listen to some amazing rock music from the 70's When: 7 pm to 9 pm Where: The Pier Bar @ Xaara


Sent on 16/12/24

Attachment: Xaara - The Pier Bar
Classic Christmastime @ 7pm Join me for a classic set of Christmas songs to get you fully in the season of giving. When: 7pm to 9 pm Where: Xaara Pier Bar


Sent on 9/12/24

Attachment: Xaara - Blackstone Hall
Kinky Christmastime @ 7pm Join me for a celebration of a kinky Christmas with all the teasing trimmings. When: 7pm to 9 pm Where: Xaara Pier Bar


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DJ Jon's Gig Tracker Soyeonpyeongdo (212,227,67)