SaraMarie Philly's Subscribe-O-Matic

Group owner:
 Derek Galaxy
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Sent 1 day, 18 hours ago

Attachment: (none)
6pm SaraMarie Philly @ Gilley's Bar - An eclectic set of originals and covers, instruments and laughs.

Sent 6 days, 18 hours ago

Attachment: Club PlanetAry *3.14
5PMSL SaraMarie @ Club PlanetAry - Singing on the SL grid and FB Live. Come hang out with us and let the music take us where it will. 💜 Dress: Casual

Sent 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Attachment: The Green House - Live Music Venue
4pm - NEW ORIGINAL SONG!! a man from my past has resurfaced, and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Join me to hear the song I wrote about him! 🤡 ❤️SaraMarie Philly

Sent 3 weeks ago

Attachment: Club PlanetAry *3.14
5PMSL SaraMarie @ Club PlanetAry Singing on the SL grid and FB Live. Come hang out with us and let the music take us where it will. 💜 Dress: Casual

Sent 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Attachment: Venue at Giano -
12PM SaraMarie Philly @ Giano Community (Formal) Love songs, upbeat, clean show - live songwriter-piano-vocalist, dress: formal

Sent on 19/1/25

Attachment: Songbird's Nest
1pm SaraMarie @ Songbird's Nest Please join use for a fun hour of music, covers, originals, requests welcome! Casual, come as you are!

Sent on 17/1/25

Attachment: Love Kats II - Live Music
6pmSL- SaraMarie @ Love Kats I'm thinking love songs and comedy songs. Laugh, cry, whatever happens, it won’t be boring.

Sent on 8/1/25

Attachment: Club PlanetAry *3.14
SaraMarie @ Club PlanetAry Singing on the SL grid and FB Live. Come hang out with us and let the music take us where it will. 💜 Dress: Casual

Sent on 14/12/24

Attachment: DreamFest Winter @ PXL Live
6pm SaraMarie @ DreamFest! Get ready for DreamFest Winter, the ultimate Winter Festival in Second Life! Our spotlight shines on three exhilarating days featuring 25 amazing live singers who will...


Sent on 13/12/24

Attachment: Fantasy Island
6pm SaraMarie Philly @ Mystical Fantasy’s “Oh Christmas Tree” 🌲 Event!!! Don your gay apparel and get ready to deck the halls at this upbeat, fun Christmas party! All are invited, and encouraged...


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Type Name Location
SaraMarie Philly's Subscribe-O-Matic Serenity Gardens (44,78,3113)