Romantica Park Subscribe-O-Matic

Group owner:
 Nisa Maverick
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Sent 45 minutes ago

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MAR BIDDLE Time: 12pm Dress Attire - Casual Mar Biddle's performances in SL cross genres.. From the sexy sassy tones of jazz, to the soulful depths of the blues, Your Limo -

Sent 4 hours, 43 minutes ago

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********************************************************** ROMANTICA PARK, ROMANTICA 12pm MAR BIDDLE 1pm PHIL SETNER 2pm SARITA TWISTED ...


Sent 22 hours, 49 minutes ago

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JESIKA WIREFLY Time 2pm - Dress: Casual Jesika Wirefly! THE best hour of SL live music on the grid! Jesika takes songs and gives them new life with her beautiful yet sensual, sexy voice. Your Limo...


Sent 23 hours, 49 minutes ago

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BRITT TRAFALGAR Time: 1pm Dress Attire - Casual Live and direct from her ironing board in Cumbria, UK, Britt sings an eclectic range of popular music. Her first love though is the songs of the...


Sent 1 day, 3 hours ago

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********************************************************** ROMANTICA PARK, ROMANTICA 12pm MARIBOL INSHAN 1pm BRITT TRAFALGAR 2pm JESIKA...


Sent 3 days, 22 hours ago

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SIERIO Time: 1pm Dress Code - Casual Attire Sierio is an immensely talented singer musician who has taken SL by storm with the sweetest voice SL has ever heard! Sierio delivers an incredible show...


Sent 3 days, 23 hours ago

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ANNETTE SERANADE Time 12pm Dress Attire - Casual .A trained vocalist, Annette has been singing for most of her life. You will be amazed at her ability to elevate the emotion and depth of each and...


Sent 4 days, 3 hours ago

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********************************************************** ROMANTICA PARK, ROMANTICA 12pm ANNETTE SERANADE 1pm SIERIO Your Limo

Sent 4 days, 21 hours ago

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WINTER Time: 2pm Playing covers of a variety of Rock Styles from Classic to New Age to Pop Rock and even Heavy Metal! Your Limo -

Sent 4 days, 22 hours ago

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STINNA Time: 1pm Dress: Casual Stinna - one of SL´s finest live vocalists! ~ rock, pop, celtic and much more! Your Limo -

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Type Name Location
Romantica Park Subscribe-O-Matic Romantica (231,201,22)
Romantica Park Subscribe-O-Matic Romantica (187,178,21)