Lascot1 Resident 's Subscribe-O-Matic

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 Lascot1 Resident
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Sent 2 hours, 19 minutes ago

Attachment: Mar. 12th. 2PM Concert Live Juan >BetterTogetherForever
2PM SLT PERFORMER LIVE JUAN ALTAMIRA > Better Together Forever Gallery Dans son vaste répertoire, trouvez la "chanson romantique spéciale" pour votre dédicace. In his vast repertoire, find the...


Sent 1 day, 2 hours ago

Attachment: Mar. 11th. 1PM Concert Live Juan Altamira > Secret Club
1PM SLT PERFORMER LIVE JUAN ALTAMIRA > Secret Club Dans son vaste répertoire il vous sera facile de trouver la "chanson romantique spéciale" pour une dédicace. In his large repertoire it will be...


Sent 2 days, 1 hour ago

Attachment: Mar. 10th 1 PMSLT Perf Live Juan Altamira > Olympe Jazz
1PM SLT (22H) PERFORMER LIVE JUAN ALTAMIRA > OLYMPE CLUB Dans son répertoire, trouvez la "chanson romantique spéciale" pour une dédicace. In his wide repertoire, find the "special romantic song"...


Sent 5 days, 2 hours ago

Attachment: Mar. 7th - 2PMSLT Perf. Live Juan >The Branagh's Jazz club
2PM SLT PERFORMER LIVE JUAN ALTAMIRA > Juan chantera pour vous la chanson que vous choisirez dans sa vaste song list A romantic evening at the Branagh's Jazz! Juan will sing for you the song you...


Sent 1 week ago

Attachment: Mar. 5th. 2PM Concert Live Juan >BetterTogetherForever
2PM SLT PERFORMER LIVE JUAN ALTAMIRA > Better Together Forever Gallery Dans son vaste répertoire, trouvez la "chanson romantique spéciale" pour votre dédicace. In his vast repertoire, find the...


Sent 1 week, 1 day ago

Attachment: March 4th. 1PM Performer Live Juan Altamira > Le Bimbo
1PM SLT> LIVE PERFORMER JUAN ALTAMIRA > Bimbo Club Dans son vaste répertoire il est facile de trouver la "chanson romantique" pour votre dédicace. In his wide repertoire it's easy to find the...


Sent 2 weeks ago

Attachment: Feb. 26th. 2PM Concert Live Juan >BetterTogetherForever
2PM SLT PERFORMER LIVE JUAN ALTAMIRA > Better Together Forever Gallery Dans son vaste répertoire, trouvez la "chanson romantique spéciale" pour votre dédicace. In his vast repertoire, find the...


Sent 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Attachment: Feb. 23th- 12 PMSLT Perf. Live Juan >The Lesbian SisterHood
12 PM SLT PERF. LIVE JUAN ALTAMIRA >The Lesbian Sisterhood Juan chantera pour vous la chanson que vous choisirez dans sa vaste song list Juan will sing for you the song you will choose in his...


Sent 2 weeks, 5 days ago

Attachment: Febr. 21th - 2PMSLT Perf. Live Juan >The Branagh's Jazz club
2PM SLT PERFORMER LIVE JUAN ALTAMIRA > Juan chantera pour vous la chanson que vous choisirez dans sa vaste song list A romantic evening at the Branagh's Jazz! Juan will sing for you the song you...


Sent 2 weeks, 6 days ago

Attachment: (none)
Dear friend I am sorry to tell that due to RL Our live at Desideria Italia is canceled. Have a nice Evening and night.


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