noir'wen fan

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 NieuwenHove Resident
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 noir'wen fetish village
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Sent 21 hours, 10 minutes ago

Attachment: (none)
Please, don't miss a new great live singer coming at N'W amphitheater for the first time, FRIAR FOX... great music and great concert moment!!!!! You are all welcome. The concert does start in 15...


Sent 4 days, 20 hours ago

Attachment: (none)
Tonight, the great opening of ALICE's new exhibition "L'HOMME"..... From 12 pm SLT in Noir'Wen!!!!! You are all than welcome! With a suprise Concert of one star of SL!!!!!!!!


Sent 5 days, 21 hours ago

Attachment: TAY Concert@NOIR'WEN City March 6th at 1 pm (SLT) 1
The magic angel TAY is singing tonight at the Amphitheater in Noir'Wen City.... Don't miss such an inspiring and deeply relax musical moment!!!!!


Sent 1 week, 6 days ago

Attachment: (none)
Dear Noir'Wenian friends.... In 15 Minutes, the amazing Baryton, JOSHUA, is singing in Noir'Wen Amphitheater.... We are waiting for all of you for this magiiczl muic momentum!!!!!!!!


Sent 2 weeks ago

Attachment: (none)
Our amazing BARYTON BYRON will sing tonight in 30 minutes (12 pm SLT) at Noir'Wen Amphitheater...; Don't miss this great voice full of emotion, for sharing a deep moment of music pleasure!!!!!! We...


Sent 2 weeks, 1 day ago

Attachment: Byron & Sky Concert@Noir'Wen City, February 25 at 1 pm (SLT)
AN AMAZING CONCERT TONIGHT.!!!!! BYRON & SKY, his daughter....Don't miss this exceptional musical and atmospheric moment ♥♥♥


Sent 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Attachment: Pagan Evocation Fantasy Chapter 2 @NOIR' WEN Feb 23th, 12pm S 1
DON'T MISS TONIGHT "PAGAN FANTASY SHOW" @ Noir'Wen Amphitheater at 12 pm SLT!!!!! And let's discover the Seven Pagan Goddesses though cultures linked to nature... A unique performance....


Sent 2 weeks, 6 days ago

Attachment: (none)
Our Magic TAY is singing tonight in 30 minutes at the Noir'Wen Amphitheater....You are all welcome for this charm, soft and langorous moment!!!!!! I hope to see you there...


Sent on 6/2/25

Attachment: TAY Concert@NOIR'WEN City February 6th at 1 pm (SLT)
Our magic and mervellous TAY tonight in live concert at the Amphitheater in Noir'Wen @ 1 pm SLT.... Don't miss such an angelic moment!!!!!!! Looking forward seeingall you you!!!!!!!


Sent on 1/2/25

Attachment: (none)
I am very sorry to again inform you about the cancellation of la PETITE SUITE opening cancellation... Despite the best will in the world, I have once again a major RL impediment that prevents us...


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