Elephant Island Message Board

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 Syx Toshi
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Sent on 14/11/23

Attachment: SP lighthouse
The Seals are back near the lighthouse. If you love Diving here's your chance to dive with Seals. They only stay for a short time so take this chance to see them up close


Sent on 7/10/23

Attachment: Syx's retro Home
Hello all photographers I've created a nice retro build for anyone to explore or take photos. Everyone can Rezz and explore all areas. Have fun and if you take pics please add to our LFickr page


Sent on 28/8/23

Attachment: South Pacific Surf and Dive 1
Hi everyone our new sim is now open South Pacific Surf and Dive. It will be the best Diving experience in SL! come take a look Thanks, Syx and Bryn


Sent on 14/7/23

Attachment: (none)
Hello All, today is the last day to visit Elephant Island before we do a major revision. It will still be a place fr exploration and adventure, we are just taking your further into the Island


Sent on 23/6/23

Attachment: (none)
Hello everyone and thanks for subscribing. Elephant Island will soon be undergoing its third transformation. For those that have visited from the beginning you will notice that we began on the...


Sent on 13/3/23

Attachment: Elephant Isl Unpack HUD (ADD ME)
Hi Everyone, I hope you all have had an opportunity to visit the new and improved elephant Island. We appreciate everyone subscribing to the park. As I said in the beginning we will never Spam...


Sent on 26/11/22

Attachment: Elephant Island Pre-Opening
Hello Friends. We are back open at Elephant Island. We are about 90% completed but wanted to share with everyone....Peace Syx & Bryn


Sent on 22/10/22

Attachment: (none)
H I Everyone, Hope life is treating you well. Elephant Island will be open a few more days in its spooky condition before we close for 2 weeks to renovate and improve the experience. We are not...


Sent on 8/10/22

Attachment: SL Nat Park Flashlight
Hey everyone, I have a very important message; some very strange things have been happening on elephant Island. 3 hikers have gone missing in the last week. We have been looking for them, but...


Sent on 21/7/22

Attachment: (none)
All sorry for the delay in announcing the photo contest winners. We have winners and I will send out individual and group notices later today!


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Elephant Island Message Board Monkey cove (217,233,48)