Virgo's Collectibles Subscribe-O-Matic

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 virgo3242 Short
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Sent 3 days, 3 hours ago

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VS Collectibles for this week, we will have two goblin kings for just 10 ls each and they are copy. We still have the 30ls sale for our St Patrick figurines too.

Sent 4 days, 2 hours ago

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VS Collectibles for this week, we will have two goblin kings for just 10 ls each and they are copy. We still have the 30ls sale for our St Patrick figurines too.

Sent 1 week, 3 days ago

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Hello, Everyone its that time for a new free Gift from VS collectibles

Sent 1 week, 4 days ago

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Hello, Everyone its that time for a new free Gift from VS collectibles

Sent 2 weeks, 3 days ago

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the new free gift is out at VS Collectibles, also the weekend sale is almost over they goto full price Monday night. come check them out

Sent 2 weeks, 6 days ago

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St Patrick's Day is a few weeks away March 17th. The weekend sale 30ls each leprechauns and Clover Balloons. Four New leprechaun Gnomes only until Monday

Sent 3 weeks, 5 days ago

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the weekend sale is here four new collectiables but these can light up a room with just a touch 30ls

Sent 3 weeks, 6 days ago

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Happy Valentines day for some USA is tomorrow but I have a free gift a sigle white rose copy and trans you just add it and its in your hand just 24 hrs

Sent 3 weeks, 6 days ago

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24 hours only a heart Balloon copy for 25ls next to the valentine Gnome ba0f468c-f4ae-1a53-cce1-551f65920004


Sent 1 month, 3 days ago

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Three planters for 10 ls each just this weekend come grab all...


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Type Name Location
Virgo's Collectibles Subscribe-O-Matic Ferndale (256,62,27)
Virgo's Collectibles Subscribe-O-Matic Ferndale (255,82,27)