Veo's Vanguards

Group owner:
 Veo Voom
Business name:
 Veo's Vanguards
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Recent messages

Sent 1 day, 19 hours ago

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TODAY IS THE DAY!! We have another spectacular show planned with our favorite dynamic duo!!! VEOLIN! (that's Veo and Anberlin, for those living under a rock lol kidding...maybe) ❤️ This pair has...


Sent 2 weeks, 5 days ago

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Hey Veo Voom here again.. My brain is scrambled and I forgot to say what time it's at.. The release party will be at 5PM SLT!


Sent 2 weeks, 5 days ago

Attachment: Veo Voom Release Party (add + click)
Hey everyone! Veo Voom here! Just doing an early notice for my release party tonight! My first single under my RL artist name, Son of Hutch, is releasing tonight! The tune is called "Forgotten...


Sent 3 weeks ago

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Heya friends! Veo Voom here! I'll be playing in a bout 30 mins at 2PM SLT at Wanderlust! Tally Mercury is up right now killin it, so you definitely don't wanna miss this! 🚕 >>

Sent 3 weeks, 3 days ago

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Heya everyone! Veo Voom here! I'll be debuting at the Verona Theater at Templemore today at 1PM SLT! 🚕 >>

Sent 1 month ago

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Heya everyone, Veo Voom here! Today I'll be back at the Wanderer's Stage at Templemore at 2PM SLT! Heart & Sol is playing right before me at 1PM SLT. *I also might keep streaming on Twitch for a...


Sent on 8/2/25

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Hey yall, Veo Voom here, happy Saturday! I’ll be back at Sea Borne Sounds @4pm SLT 🚕

Sent on 26/1/25

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Heya everyone! Veo Voom here! I'll be making a big debut at The Grand Strand today at 4pm SLT! Really stoked and honored to be thought of for this slot! I'll also be streaming the gig live on...


Sent on 11/1/25

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Happy Saturday friends! Veo Voom here! Today I'll be having a debut show at Sea Borne Sounds at 4PM SLT! I'll be performing back to back with the amazing Acoustic Energy who will be on at 5PM....


Sent on 8/1/25

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Veo Voom here! I'm playing back to back with one of my favorite SL/Twitch musicians Tally Mercury ! We'll be at the Wanderers Stage at Templemore today starting at 1PM SLT with Tally and I'll be...


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Type Name Location
Veo's Vanguards Wilderdale (134,235,1500)
Veo's Vanguards Wilderdale (135,237,1500)
Veo's Vanguards Wilderdale (134,234,1500)