Vita la Vita

Group owner:
 Hunter3585 Resident
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 ADD Productions
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Description / details

Sl's premiere Concert Amphitheater featuring only the best music by SL's most famous & finest artists. Always an Astounding Experience waiting for you behind the curtain @ VIVI la VITA!

Recent messages

Sent on 7/12/24

Attachment: VIVI La VITA ~ Memorial for The VINNIE Show Now - 6pm SLT
Please join to Honor Vinnie's Life


Sent on 23/8/23

Attachment: ViviLaVita Shows Wed Aug 23 2023
Can't Wait Until ShowTime @ 5pm @ VLV!


Sent on 13/5/22

Attachment: VIVI la VITA TGIF 6 - 9pm May 13th
FRIDAY 6pm - 9pm@VLV 6pm HOLLY GILES 7pm RICKYLiveMUSIC 8pm ARRA It's MAKE A DEAL Night!! Smart-Casual / Club Attire - ALL WAIT FOR YOU BEHIND THE...


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Type Name Location
Vita la Vita Live Love Laugh (28,239,2013)