Pirette's Music Cove

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 Pirate Russell
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Sent 54 minutes ago

Attachment: (none)
Wacky Wednesdays is going 'After Dark'. Starting today, our Wacky Wednesday shows will be starting at 6, with shows at 7 and 8. Come stay up late with us! Here's Your Limo:

Sent 1 day ago

Attachment: Pirette's Music Cove, Quaker (198, 116, 1502)
No Rusty tonight, he had to cancel. :-( Rich is on stage now, finishing up. Chap's in the wings ready to cap off our abbreviated Tuneful Tuesday Here's Your Limo:

Sent 1 day ago

Attachment: Pirette's Music Cove, Quaker (198, 116, 1502)
Chapman Zane @ 5pm Chap Zane brings a wealth of musical experience to Second Life. Since 2010, his laid-back and mellow, wood-aged acoustic music has captivated numerous listeners in SL. Playing...


Sent 1 day, 1 hour ago

Attachment: Pirette's Music Cove, Quaker (198, 116, 1502)
Florizona RichD @ 4 Rich plays a combination of electric and acoustic music. To say he is high energy is an understatement! Come join us for a fast paced hour of music! Here's Your Limo:

Sent 1 day, 1 hour ago

Attachment: Pirette's Music Cove, Quaker (198, 116, 1502)
Tuneful Tuesday! Join us at Pirette's Music Cove for 3 hours of music! This week we have: 4pm: Florizona Rich 5pm: Chapman Zane 6pm: RoseDrop Rust Here's Your Limo:

Sent 4 days ago

Attachment: Pirette's Music Cove, Quaker (198, 116, 1502)
Looking Back CSB 5 Years On Join Wes and his original Corner Street band from the years past 2020 to 2022 when he formed the band due to COVID. They played weekly in Second Life since RL ...


Sent 4 days, 1 hour ago

Attachment: (none)
Frets Nirvana @ 3 Frets guitar arsenal and vocal abilities offer a wide variety of music to keep the listener interested and dancing away. If you are looking for music that is "not of the norm",...


Sent 4 days, 1 hour ago

Attachment: Pirette's Music Cove, Quaker (198, 116, 1502)
Scintillating Saturday! Join us at Pirette's Music Cove for an hour of music! This week we have: 3pm: Frets Nirvana 4pm: Wes West Here's Your Limo:

Sent 6 days, 22 hours ago

Attachment: Pirette's Music Cove, Quaker (198, 116, 1502)
Zachariah Loon @ 6 One Night Only! The Triumphant Return Of The Cyborg Song Slinger... ZACHARIAH LOON!! Zachariah Loon plays mostly original music in 100% LIVE shows with NO pre-recordings,...


Sent 6 days, 23 hours ago

Attachment: Pirette's Music Cove, Quaker (198, 116, 1502)
Florizona RichD @ 5 Rich plays a combination of electric and acoustic music. To say he is high energy is an understatement! Come join us for a fast paced hour of music! Here's Your Limo:

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Pirette's Music Cove Quaker (198,136,1502)