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 Kain Scalia
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Sent 2 days, 19 hours ago

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Tonight at 6pm at Bespoke, come by for a reprise of Chere Piaf: A tribute to Edith Piaf!

Sent 3 days, 21 hours ago

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Tonight, we're going to celebrate Edith Piaf's 110th birthday with a show dedicated entirely to her! La Vie En Rose, Padam, Padam, Padam, L'Accordeoniste, and more, tonight at the Varro at...


Sent 1 week, 4 days ago

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Tonight at the Varro, we are going to take a little peek at Italy and their art song tradition. It's VERY different from France and Germany's, and I'll explain why at 6pm tonight!

Sent 1 week, 5 days ago

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Let's bring the season of love to a close with a last performance of Love's Philosophy today at the Savoy, at 5pm SLT

Sent 2 weeks, 3 days ago

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You know what day today is! it's Sunday at 6pm SLT at Bespoke! Come join me for a reprise of the German set!

Sent 2 weeks, 4 days ago

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Come tonight to the Varro at our customary time of 6pm for some German music, and some news of things to

Sent 2 weeks, 5 days ago

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/95 Starting at 3pm, come hear me sing at Belliforlife's BIG event, a relay for life concert!

Sent 3 weeks, 4 days ago

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Valentines' may have been yesterday, but that doesn't mean you get to escape the strains of love! Come tonight for some romantic music- classical and oherwise, at the usual time of 6pm SLT!

Sent 3 weeks, 5 days ago

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It's showtime at Fantasy Island! Come over for some Valentine D.ay music!


Sent 3 weeks, 5 days ago

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We'll see you at Fantasy Island in an hour at 6pm!

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