Jase Branner Music Group

Group owner:
 Maia Beltran
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Sent 3 days, 1 hour ago

Attachment: The Verona Theater @ Lutz City of Templemore
Come join Jase for a great hour of his music on the fabulous Templemore sim! We promise wonderful music and lots of fun. Head on over and get your Jase fix! 12-1 pm SLT

Sent 3 days, 17 hours ago

Hello Jase fans, Jase has a few extra performances this week, so I wanted to give you a heads up as to where he will be. Grab the attached notecard and mark your calendar!


Sent 5 days, 19 hours ago

Attachment: Willow Park
Jase will be taking the stage at Willow Park soon. This is a perfect setting to relax and unwind. Come join us, make some requests and enjoy his music. 5-6pm SLT

Sent 6 days, 19 hours ago

Attachment: Blind Pig Music Co
It's a beautiful night down on the bayou, and will be even better when Jase performs for us! Come join us, make some requests and enjoy his music. 5-6pm SLT

Sent 1 week, 6 days ago

Attachment: Nitida Ridge
Are you ready to hear some fabulous music from Jase? He will be taking the stage very soon here at Nitida Ridge. Come join us, make some requests and enjoy his music. 5 - 6 PM

Sent 2 weeks ago

Attachment: Blind Pig Music Co
It's almost that time! Jase is tuning his guitar and picking some great tunes for us! He will be taking the stage very soon here at the Blind Pig. Come join us, make some requests and enjoy his...


Sent 2 weeks, 6 days ago

Attachment: Willow Park
Jase is tuning his guitar and picking some great tunes for us! He will be taking the stage very soon here at Willow Park. Come join us, make some requests and enjoy his music. 5-6pm SLT

Sent 3 weeks ago

Attachment: Blind Pig Music Co
It's a delightful evening down on the bayou at the Blind Pig. Jase is tuning his guitar and selecting great songs for us. If you are looking for a great way to unwind then come join us. 5-6PM

Sent 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Attachment: Nitida Ridge
It's almost time for Jase at Nitida Ridge! We promise an hour of wonderful music and lots of fun. Head on over and get your Jase fix! 5-6 pm

Sent 1 month ago

Attachment: Time of Kings Stage
Tonight Jase is doing a special performance. He will be bringing his amazing songs to SL Living Expo, which is a part of Relay for Life. Funds raised by RFL in Second Life directly support the...
