Dag's Groupies

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 amwoodman Resident
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Sent 5 hours, 23 minutes ago

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Daggnabbit is LIVE at the top of the hour (2pm SLT) at Cafe Musique. Come to a relaxing set with some awesome tuneage! Here is your limo:

Sent 3 days ago

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Dag is LIVE at the top of the hour (7pm SLT) at Greased Lightning. Bring your friends and come hear some awesome tuneage from The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole and others. Here is your...


Sent 5 days, 7 hours ago

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Dag will be LIVE at the top of the hour (12 noon SLT) at Cafe Musique. Bring your friends and hear soime awesome tuneage. Here is your limo:

Sent 1 week ago

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Dag is LIVE at the top of the hour (2pm SLT) at Cafe Musique. Bring your friends and enjoy some awesome tuneage! Here is your limo:

Sent 1 week, 3 days ago

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Dag will be LIVE at the top of the hour (7pm SLT). Come on over to Greased Lightning to hear some awesome tuneage. Here is your limo:

Sent 2 weeks ago

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Come see Dag LIVE at Cafe Musique at the top of the hour (2pm SLT). Bring friends and hear some awesome tuneage by The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, and others. Here is your limo:

Sent 2 weeks, 1 day ago

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Dag will be live in a new place at the top of the hour (10am SLT). The place is called Under the Bridge. No Trolls under the bridge, but great tuneage. Come hear tunes by The Beatles, Frank...


Sent 2 weeks, 2 days ago

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Dag will be LIVE at a new venue tonight - The Muses! Come hear some awesome tuneage by Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, Nat King Cole and others. Here is your limo:

Sent 3 weeks ago

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Dag will be LIVE at the top of the hour at Cafe Musique. Come hear great tuneage by The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole and others. Here is your limo:

Sent 3 weeks, 3 days ago

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Dag will be live at the top of the hour, following the incredible tunes of Maribol Inshan. Dag offers tuneage by The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Billy Joel and others. Come on out and bring your...
