Killakittyclaws Resident 's Subscribe-O-Matic

Group owner:
 Killakittyclaws Resident
Business name:
 Nixxy Kitty (killakittyclaws) auction subscriber
RSS feed:
 Subscribe to recent messages

Description / details

Sign up here for my mixed breedable/amarettto/kittycats! auctions. Huggies <3

Recent messages

Sent 1 day, 17 hours ago

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Tonights gonna be a kick ass night guys. I feel it in my itty bitty kitty bones. :P. come and join us for an 830 Amaretto exclusive drop and bring me your best lil babehs.

Sent 1 week, 3 days ago

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Auction at 8 tonight. Come and hang out with us and maybe sell some babehs <3

Sent 1 month, 1 day ago

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join me a 4:30 mixed today <3 we got an hour till.

Sent 1 month, 2 days ago

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8:30 amaretto tonight @ Unis. Be there for our fishbowl. We're giving away a DOS Velora tonight. woot.

Sent on 6/2/25

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~_~ calling all wk Breeders. Nixxy & HorrRawr are tagging the 2:30. come show me those babies <3 classic panels & shopping - min : 500 or 100L on shopping panels /whistles for a taxi

Sent on 27/1/25

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Woot! its time to get crazy @.@ Hello my lovelies <3 we got an auction tonight at 8:30 if anyone cares enough to join us. <3 Its an Amaretto only Crazy drop w/Nix & Verse join the fun with our...


Sent on 24/1/25

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Join us tonight for an 8pm Amaretto auction. Bring your horses, k9s, birds, mystical creatures, and ponypals cause we wanna see em. <3 Raffling two giftcards and an LE tonight as well. you def...


Sent on 11/1/25

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**HI! Its meh!** ^.^ 8pm Tonight You guys should come, and bring me your cutest <3 when: 8 tonight where :

Sent on 22/12/24

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Woooot! 4:30 drop is coming up. The board likes to be poked. >.< who: Nixxy Kitty Where :

Sent on 20/12/24

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TGIF - we got a drop auction at Unis. 8Slt tonight. & We wanna see your best horses, dragons, k9s, birds, and ponypals. Who : Nixxy & Verse Come join the fun with our shopping panels <3

Kiosk locations

Teleport to any of the listed kiosks to subscribe and receive messages and items from this group in-world. You can also unsubscribe from this group at any kiosk.
Type Name Location
Killakittyclaws Resident 's Subscribe-O-Matic Wandering Meadows (208,208,3527)
Killakittyclaws Resident 's Subscribe-O-Matic Wandering Meadows (125,253,3530)