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 hogwort Resident
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Sent 1 week, 3 days ago

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come one come all im spinning tunes here at melody'z of the soul Amberly (51,224,4085)


Sent 3 weeks, 6 days ago

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Spinning tunes come enjoy http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Amberly/51/224/4085


Sent 1 month ago

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playin some tunes come on over if you like and enjoy http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Amberly/51/224/4085


Sent on 8/2/25

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come on over enjoy the tunes here at Melody'Z of the Soul

Sent on 7/2/25

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Spinning 2hrs here at Melody'Z of the Soul http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Amberly/51/224/4085


Sent on 1/2/25

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here we are comeing up on half time ya all are missing the good tunes

Sent on 1/2/25

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grabbed the stream rocking Melody'Z of the Soul for the next two hours so come listen in

Sent on 30/1/25

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Its that Time lets come enjoy the tunes of 70's and 80's and any requests you might want ill get it out there if i have or find it the limo is out so grab it as it comes by

Sent on 26/1/25

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Spinning tunes drop in if you like http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Amberly/51/224/4085


Sent on 22/1/25

Attachment: (none)
we are at half time so come on down http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Amberly/51/224/4085


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Type Name Location
Melody'Z Of The Soul Amberly (37,179,4081)